WOW! F.R.A.N.K here, humans! Gori and I (plus Ch1p) are thrilled (ok maybe not Ch1P!) to reveal that Gori: Cuddly Carnage has been nominated for the Anticipated Gem Award category for their 2023 Patch of Approval Awards from Patch Magazine. 🎉 This follows on from Gori being a hit with the public at Gamescom and Wasd Live. This is an open public vote. Could you spare us a moment and vote for Gori and help spread the message about this cat-and-slash game?
Patch magazine is an independent magazine covering video games that are created by independent developers or studios. Patch Magazine was founded out of a desire for a fun and friendly space where everyone feels welcome to get involved in the indie gaming world.
If you haven’t jumped onto Gori: Cuddly Carnage yet. Now is the PURRFECT time. WHISKERLIST below.